Sleep Medicine

Dr. Barratt is board-certified in Sleep Medicine by the American Board of Physicians and Surgeons.  Her publication on EEG and Sleep received an award—the Association of American Medical Colleges MedEdPORTAL Editor’s Choice Special Distinction—as an exemplary resource. The field of sleep medicine encompasses promotion of healthy sleep habits, as well as treatment of sleep disorders.  Sleep disorders include the following:

  • Insomnia

  • Daytime Sleepiness

  • Sleep apnea

  • REM behavior disorder

  • Narcolepsy

  • Restless Legs Syndrome

Sleep Studies. In-lab sleep studies can be cumbersome and inconvenient for patients. Technology has advanced to the point at which most patients can be monitored in the comfort of their own homes, wearing only a wristwatch, finger probe, and chest lead.

Sleep apnea treatment. Some patients snore and have sleep apneas only when sleeping on their backs. This can be treated with a sleep position device—essentially a stuffed fanny pack that makes it uncomfortable to sleep on one’s back. Many patients tolerate CPAP for sleep apnea. Oral mandibular advancement devices, made by a dentist, can also be used to treat sleep apnea.

There are many new and exciting treatments available for patients with sleep disorders, including non-pharmacological interventions.