Dr. Barratt’s Publications
1) Neurology Milestones Work Group: Diana Barratt, MD, MPH, FAAN; Nicole Chiota-McCollum, MD, MEd; Jeffrey Dewey, MD, MHA; Laura Edgar, EdD, CAE; Laurie Gutmann, MD; Shannon Kilgore, MD; Steven L. Lewis, MD; Jeffrey McClean, MD; Sonja Potrebic, MD, PhD; Anita Shelgikar, MD, MHPE; Bryan Walker, MHS, PA-C; Jayne Ward, DO. Neurology Milestones. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, 2020. https://www.acgme.org/Portals/0/PDFs/Milestones/NeurologyMilestones2.0.pdf?ver=2020-12-07-155709-570
2) Dewey JJ, Chiota-McCollum N, Barratt D, Edgar L, Gutmann L, Shelgikar AV, Ward J, Kilgore SM; Neurology Milestones 2.0 Work Group. Introducing the Neurology Milestones 2.0. Neurology. 2022 Mar 1;98(9):366-372. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000013312. Epub 2022 Jan 11. PMID: 35017311.
3) Bransden R, Hernandez D, Mangels S, Kola R, Castro G, Rodriguez P, Belnap S, Starosciak A, Subei A, Barratt DM, Lozano J. Comparing Echocardiograms of Haitian and non-Haitian Stroke Patients. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2022;33(1):349-355. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2022.0025. PMID: 35153224.
4) Fourcand F, Barratt DM. How Educators Can Help Prevent False Brain Death Diagnoses. AMA J Ethics. 2020 Dec 1;22(12):E1010-1018. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2020.1010. PMID: 33419500.
5) Sirutis B, Brown C, Lopez JG, Weppelman T, Ashourian K, Lozano J, Starosciak A, and Barratt D. A Comparative Case Series of Haitian and non-Haitian Stroke Patients at a Single Center in Miami, Florida. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2019;30:1560-1568.
6) Horak H, Englander R, Barratt D, Kraakevik J, Soni M and Tiryaki E On behalf of the UES subcommittee of the AAN. Entrustable professional activities--A useful concept for neurology education. Neurology 2018;90:1-7.
7) Barratt D, Mader E, Oliva A. Increased Intracranial Pressure Team-Based Learning Module. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/doi/full/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10190 Published: September 3, 2015.
8) Barratt D, Tolchin R, Brown A, Segui D, Nausheen F. Neck Pain OSCE: A 65-Year-Old Patient Presents to the Emergency Department with Neck Pain. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10151 Published: July 24, 2015.
9) Barratt D, Stevens C and Smirnoff L. Neuro-anatomy Team-Based Learning Module. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10144 Published: July 30, 2015.
10) Barratt D, Mader, Jr. E, Gutierrez A, Oliva A. EEG and Sleep Team-Based Learning. MedEdPORTAL Publications; 2015. Available from: https://www.mededportal.org/publication/10071 Published: May 8, 2015
11) Barratt D. Coma Simulation Enhances Learning of Brainstem Reflexes. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9669
12) Barratt D, Nausheen F, and Segui D. Headache OSCE Part 3: A 22-year old woman presents to the emergency department after waking up with the sudden onset of a severe headache. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9630
13) Barratt D, Obeso V, and Brown A. Headache OSCE Part 2: A 22-year Old Woman Presents to the Emergency Department with the Subacute Onset of Severe Headache. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9361
14) Barratt D and Obeso V. Headache OSCE: A 22-year old woman presents to the emergency department with a severe headache. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9250
15) Garland MM, Gutierrez A, Barratt DM. Peripheral neuropathy of the extremity after hyperbaric exposure. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2012;83:805-808.
16) Homma S, Thompson JL, Pullicino PM, Levin B, Freudenberger RS, Teerlink JR, Ammon SE, Graham S, Sacco RL, Mann DL, Mohr JP, Massie BM, Labovitz AJ, Anker SD, Lok DJ, Ponikowski P, Estol CJ, Lip GY, Di Tullio MR, Sanford AR, Mejia V, Gabriel AP, del Valle ML, Buchsbaum R; WARCEF Investigators. Warfarin and aspirin in patients with heart failure and sinus rhythm. N Engl J Med. 2012; 366:1859-69. Epub 2012 May 2. (Listed as a WARCEF sub-investigator)
17) Van Meter K, Sheps S, Kriedt F, Moises J, Barratt D, Murphy-Lavoie H, Harch PG, Bazan N. Hyperbaric oxygen improves rate of return of spontaneous circulation after prolonged normothermic porcine cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation. 2008;78:200-14. Epub 2008 May 16.
18) Barratt DM and Van Meter K. Decompression Sickness in Miskito Indian Lobster Divers: A Review of 229 Cases. 2004. Aviat Space Environ Med. 75:350-353.
19) Garcia-Covarrubias L, Barratt DM, Bartlett R, Van Meter K. [Treatment of mucormycosis with adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen: five cases treated in the same institution and review of the literature] Rev Invest Clin. 2004 56:51-5. Spanish.
20) Barratt DM, Harch P, and Van Meter K. Decompression Illness in Divers—A review of the literature. Neurologist. 2002; 8:186-202.
21) Garcia-Covarrubias L, Barratt DM, Van Meter K, Metzinger SE, Bartlett R. Management of Invasive Aspergillosis with Adjuvant Hyperbaric Oxygenation: A retrospective clinical series at a single institution. South Med J 2002. 95:450-456.
22) Barratt DM, Van Meter K, Asmar P, Nolan T, Trahan C, Garcia-Covarrubias L, Metzinger S. Hyperbaric Oxygen as an Adjunct in Zygomycosis: Randomized Controlled Trial in a Murine Model. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2001; 45:3601-3602.
23) Garcia-Covarrubias L, Bartlett R, Barratt DM, Wassermann R. Rhino-Orbito-Cerebral Mucormycosis Attributable to Apophysomyces elegans in an Immunocompetent Individual: Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Trauma. 2001; 50:353-357.
24) Xie C, Mehendale N, Barrett D (sic), Bui CJ, Metzinger SE. 30-year retrospective review of frontal sinus fractures: The Charity Hospital experience. J Craniomaxillofac Trauma. 2000 6:7-15; discussion 16-8.
Book Chapters
1) Garcia-Covarrubias L and Barratt D. Use of Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections. In Whelan HT and Kindwall EP (Editors). Hyperbaric Medicine Practice. 4th Edition Best Publishing Company: Flagstaff, AZ, 2017: 881-894.
2) Garcia-Covarrubias L, Barratt DM. Use of Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections. In Kindwall EP (Editor). Hyperbaric Medicine Practice. 3rd Edition Best Publishing Company: Flagstaff, AZ, 2008: 959-972.